Sunday, September 28

Plans Never Really Goes According To Plans

Weird, but you'll see as I go on.
Here's a little introduction,
It was a rather nice Friday, like any other Fridays which you just want to rest at home. Somehow, me being a smart ass, actually invited some people for dinner and for a hang out.

Actual Plan,
Me, Faiz and Zhaf, head over to MichealAngelo's Italian Kitchen to break fast, well not me. And just hang out at Pyramid, till the sense of going home kicks in.

What Actually Happened (Summarized),
Ryan came over, Zhaf flew a plane*, and no MichealAngelo's Italian Kitchen.
Instead we had Canadian Pizza. At least, with this approach there was more sense of adventure, in a rather small SS15.
But Wait,
What happened, didn't really ended there. At a very early, 1 some thing AM, we headed to Ampang to visit Atika and Nadya. I know, it was some crazy spontaneous shit.
With So much to talk about, the next thing I knew the sun was already rising.
And the trip really ended around 7:38 AM, with me arriving home with Panda Eyes, hitting the sack.

"Fillers!!! Fillers!!!"

This were actually episodes, we drafted in between "What Really Happened"
- Indecisiveness of going to Pyramid for MichealAngelo, or SS15's Canadian Pizza.
- Going to Faiz's Cat's Den. Watched some new episodes of new season's Dramas
- Headed to Hassan, for drafting new plans on "what to do next".
- Rack, I guess that's how you spell it, to waste time, as I stoned and waited for people's reply.
- Supper-ed at Canai Cafe, and made last minute plan to "Visit Atika and Nadya 2008", before Raya.

Which Dulled my today as an After Effect. But it was fun.
Of course, Thank you Atika and Nadya for the hospitaliy and your time. And a very important thank you note to Ryan as well for making Friday happen.

Anyways, just wanted to wish my Head Bartender, Awie, a very safe trip back to Malacca for the next 10 days, and "see you" when I see you. *Grins* Though I know he won't be reading this.

Eventhough, I've just re-learnt this lesson. I will still and shall continue to plan ahead!!!
"Here goes another shot, ATYH!!!"
Anyways, I guess that would be it for this post. DO Listen To MONKEY MAJIK or at least an old song call "These Walls", well it's not really that old though.
PEACE Out, Homies~~~

* Flew a Plane - See FFK, Fong Fei Kay. *GRINS*

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