Tuesday, June 2

BJ can also stand for Bad Journey

Just some random title.
Other than that, I've just recently got the thought (and guts to type it out) about this topic.

"Why are we still giving benefits to ladies?"
- mostly from events like Ladies Night, Global Women Appreciation Day?
- What about the saying of "Behind every great man, lies a WOMAN"

Anyways, not to be a sexist but isn't the number of women dominating the man? Apart from that they dislike being look down at, which I personally can agree with but, why are they still enjoying this benefits? What about the protection of men?
What about MEN appreciation day? or Dude's Day? or "In front of every Woman, waits a MAN"?

In a nutshell, the topic on top is just something I thought of, and it does not target a specific person or group. And to show that I'm not a Sexist, Women are the bomb!!!

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