Saturday, April 11

"March"-ing into "April"

Quite a delayed post, I guess. Procrastination tends to always get in the way. It's like when somebody wants to cover something up, they go like;


- When there is obviously nothing behind you...

and then you forget what you wanted to say in the first place. So a job well done to PROCRASTINATION!!!! - (a long six months without post)
Anyways. just taught of blogging (again...), thanks to Shannon and Joanne. Hopefully the motivation this time, stays in tact more longer than the previous HYPE.

What's new since awhile...
Firstly, I've graduated from diploma, and now stuck at home. Obviously wasting lots of time. Secondly, I've finally gotten a (or is it "an"?) X Box 360, Shared with my bro. Thirdly, I guess this would eventually happen to everyone, (Yeah...) I am BROKE.
Last but not least, My dear friend, FAIZ, has a girlfriend. Surprising, ain't it?

So I guess that's all for now. Signing off folks.

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