Tuesday, April 27

The Resolutions

Here is the short follow up on my resolutions...

1. Climbing up. A promotion!!!!!
- Check, Hopefully can maintain.

2. Getting a Laptop and a Camera. Any donations would be appreciated :P
-Laptop check, Camera not yet, but hopefully soon.

3. Get a body like Jacob Black. (Rain's one a bit too ridiculous, 0% fats)
- Still barely any progress....

4. BLOG MORE!!!! That's right, shall not be lazy!!!! Shall re-Vamp too.
- Hopefully this will come in soon...

5. Be more RESPONSIBLE!!!! To partner, family and friends.

6. Picking up a new skill. Sleeping with the light on shall not be considered as one.
- Failed....

So the scored as of, soon to be, May is
1.5 out of 6. Still quite bad... Hopefully the last 7 months things would work out...
Wish me luck.


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